Blow Your Mind

The First Rule of Mass Communications
"Organizations will work tirelessly to de-personalize every communication medium they encounter.
One by one, the mass marketers have insisted on robocalling, spamming, jingling and lying their way into our lives. The pronoun morphs from "you" to "me" to "us" to "the corporation" ...The public works tirelessly to flee to actual interactions between real people, and our organizations work even more diligently (and with more leverage) to corporatize and anonymize the interactions. The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win.
My name is Seth Godin and I approved this message."
I agree with Seth that large corporations like to make their communications as mass as possible. The reason for this is pretty obvious - the more people you appeal to (in theory), the greater the chance you have to resonate with the few you want. It's pretty scary for a marketer to only focus on the niche few they are targeting - especially if the creative and communications don't break through.
That being said, the more mass you go, the more people block your message.
PowerShares - Your ideas may scare you
I hope that they move this into print. I am interested to see how it is executed.
Digital Top 10 Blogs [Excluding AdJoke]
Check out the list below and if you have any sites (other than Entertainment gossip rags) that you make a note of looking at daily, be sure to send them our way.
1. Mashable - the #1 Social Media News Site on the Web
By far, the best place to learn about any new trends in social media, social media tips and tricks, brands that are winning (or losing) in the space, etc. Updated 50-60 times / day.
2. Wired Top Stories - I'm a fan of the magazine and usually read it monthly but if you want to check out the hottest stories in tech, this is the place.
3. Logic + Emotion
Written by David Armano, VP Experience Design at Critical Mass, this blog contains great visuals to help explain Web 2.0, online process, branding and different strategies. A good place to find the right visual for a presentation.
4. Adrants
From a pure, 'what are the new campaigns going on in North America' standpoint, this is the best resource. Updated about 30-40 times daily, agencies and brands from across the world submit their new campaigns to be shared to Adrants readers.
5. Contagious Magazine
A quality, European creative resource for new campaigns. In depth reviews on what brands are doing and a worthwhile resource to check out when you are interested in international work.
6. BoingBoing - the #1 Blog in the World
Based out of Toronto, BoingBoing is the most popular blog on the internet and provides a collection of neat articles, products, reviews and technologies. It's not ad specific and quite random but it's important to read the place where the most bloggers link too.
7. Seth Godin (the most respected, marketing blogger around)
Also from Toronto but now living in New York, Godin posts regularly on marketing related strategies, questions and discussions. His style is quite simple but he's a good resource to check out if you're looking for new thinking / ideas.
8. Valleywag (Silicon Valley's version of Perez Hilton - a gossip tech site)
Updated 80-100 times daily, Valleywag is full of technology news, start-ups, Google / Facebook gossip and essentially anything that is going on in the Valley.
9. Digg
The central user-generated news site. If you are ever wondering what web video's are being watched, what articles the masses are interested in or random things that you could never find anywhere else, Digg is the place to check out. All bloggers use it as a way to enhance their traffic and top stories can receive hundreds of thousands of page views in a day.
10. Adverblog
One of the top, digital blogs on the web. Continually updated - specifically with digital campaigns and sites - it's a good place to look for new web trends and microsites.
Follow Your Instinct with Samsung
Start your journey by watching the following video:
Hopefully, you've clicked on one of the options (take a cab or follow your instinct) and continued the journey. If you take a quick peek at the number of views the campaign has recieved, you can see it's well over 80,000 (cumulative numbers using the total videos).
Developed by Fjord at Cossette in Toronto (through CD Paulo Salomao), the campaign has been getting a lot of good press, especially in the blogosphere.
I like the campaign if only because it breaks from the typical "let's throw something up on YouTube" approach that is all to common these days. I'm sure the client liked it as well becasue it didn't cost much (my guess...who knows...) and it gives them the ability to say that they've done something no other brand has done inside or outside their category.
I do wonder how many people see the journey through from start to finish. Obviously the hot girl / one night stand factor help to see the story through. That being said, even if you watch two of the clips, that's a success.
Thanks to Katie for the link!