We really, really don't need another Adblog but with all the information out there, I figured this would be a good place to house some interesting industry news, photo's, videos and - most importantly - ads. The goal over the next few weeks? Get one reader...
Although a 24-year old really has no business blogging about the Ad Insustry, I figure it will justify some of what I do while at work (read other blogs and send out any neat links to my co-workers / friends).
AdJoke is really in its infant stages but hopefully it will be a decent place to find out what's going on out there (other than from the big guys). Let me know any feedback you might have and I'll do my best to incorporate.
For now, let's start with this post from Advergirl:
Top 5 Mistakes Traditional Advertisers Make Online
This a great, quick post that outlines some of the problems traditional agencies are having making with the transition into the digital world. Highlights include underestimating the size of niche's and thinking that advertsing is enough. When thinking about "The Long Tail," the future of the Web could revolve around specific niches and highly targeted advertising. Why pay millions to be on Facebook when you can hit your core target on Yelp?
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