
Nice Spot

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It's nice to see that the Matrix can live on...years after it's release. I like the positioning and the final line. Toshiba is doing some good stuff. Thoughts?


Morgan Coudray said...

Incredible! There is something captivating about this spot but i cant pin-point what it is.. maybe the fact that its a single shot unlike the majority of tv spots.

Unknown said...

Totally agree. It's the rotation against a sweet track...very cool positioning. If this comes on TV, no way I'm FFWDing through it...

Anonymous said...

love the innovation - old media looking like new media.

it would have been cooler if they included a call to action at the end to add their own characters to the circle on their website. cooler still - allow people to add their avatars from second life or other

Unknown said...

I agree. The web potential of this spot is huge. You could create a whole program around it - the addition of a character being a cool idea.

Even easier - show the behind-the-scenes footage of how this spot was shot, the ideas behind it and tease for what could be coming in the future.

Paul Crowe said...

The final lines define the spot for me. "When what we want constantly redefines itself, shouldn't what we watch do the same?". Great positioning. I have seen a lot of ads lately lay their strategy out in the final line, but not here.