
Quote of the Day

"The bullet that kills you never hits you between the eyes. It always hits you in the temple. You never see it coming, because you're looking in the wrong direction."

- EDS Futurist Jeff Wacker (quoted by Thomas Friedman in Hot, Flat and Crowded)

I love this quote. It's said here in an environmental context, however I think it can easily be applied to ad people who aren't thinking digital (and who never really want too). We're going to see a lot of dead people on Ad Street in the next few years and I assume, they will be 100% temple shots.

I read this quote while reading Friedman's killer new book on the plane (worst trip ever) to London. This is going to be a slow week for posts (on my end) but I've already seen a ton of great stuff here that I'm going to be blogging all next week - including the first advertising art gallery I've ever been too (which was sweet), some great shows and museums and, of course, Tube advertising.

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