
The Links

As we close out 2009, here are some of the coolest links of the month:

  • Thinking about starting a new company? Make sure you consider Guy Kawasaki's 7 tips before doing so.
  • Live in the UK? Searches for 'redundancy' have increased 83% in the last 3 months
  • One of the biggest advertisers in the world - P&G - is going to 'renegotiate' their media spend this year. Have fun if you work in media and are on one of their brands.
  • I think that Facebook Connect could really take off in 2009. Want to put it on your blog? Check out this video and you should have it up in under 8 minutes.
  • Forrester analyst Peter Kim has compiled a list of 2009 social media predictions from thought leaders across the world. It's worth a read.
  • This is what happens when regular people buy (and make) their own TV spots.
  • What can we learn from not-for-profits and social media? Advergirl can tell you.
  • Ads are more effective on YouTube than they are on TV. Seriously.
  • Want to grow your number of Twitter followers? Here's how.
Got a cool link or post? Send it our way.

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