
Christmas = books. Need your help.

I celebrate Christmas, and every year my Christmas list usually contains a half dozen or so books.

This year my list has:
  1. The Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
  2. Grown Up Digital - Don Tapscott
  3. Crowdsourcing - Jeff Howe
  4. The Cool Factor - Del Breckenfeld
  5. Brand Digital - Allen P. Adamson
What is on your list? Have you read any of these titles and think I should re-think?

Or if you are one of the authors send me a copy and I would be happy to post a review ;)


Anonymous said...

I'd also add these two: "Buying In: The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy and Who We Are" (also a great blog) and "Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy."

Here's the full list:

Paul Crowe said...

Thanks James. I really enjoyed "why we buy" so "buying in" and "buyology" seems like great recommendations.

Appreciate the comment.

Josh Budd said...

Easily the most "entertaining" industry book I've ever read was "Get Smashed", by Sam Delaney. It would be an excellent holiday read.