If you haven't read W+K's London blog, it's a great example of an agency blog that it fun, insightful and all about people. It's one of the few agency blogs that's written for the people of the agency, rather than a "hard sell" about what Weiden can do for you. Rather than tell you about how great they are, they just let you read about what their up to (and you get the message on your own).
W+K has 8 major goals for 2009. Here's my favorite:
1. Continue to try to do the best work of our lives, across all clients
Still job number one. Partly because great ideas are what businesses need in tough times. Partly because to build our own business we to be seen to do work that is talked about in our industry and in the wider culture. Partly because it what we choose to do.
Most agencies will have revenue in mind. Smart ones will put the work first and let the revenue follow.
Check out the full
list here.