
Google Trends and my love

My love for Google Trends is strong. Today I was discussing them with a few colleagues and they helped me realize a few things:

  1. Media are you watching - how many media companies use google trends to search relevance, interest and the effectiveness of programs. one example - last nigh Fox News US ran a story on a campaign called "faces of meth" 12 hours later it peaked and 21 hours later it is still popular ranking as the 30th most searched term in the world. What does this mean? For media planners it means Fox News has a following, people pay attention AND they are active on the Internet. Advertising today is about conversation. If you can't create one, be apart of it.

  2. Media are you listening - when does the conversation around your product, company or industry peak? How can you adjust your media spend, campaign in-market dates to capitalize on this information? One example - when are your competitive products at an all time high in search? How does this compare against your search trends? What did they do to reach that high and how can you learn from it?

  3. The world are you paying attention - Personalized search. It will take your search history and personalize your current search content to your preferences. What articles have you read, what sites intrigued you. Google knows - you can enhance your online experience.
Ohh and what is the point of the image above. I bet Samsung & LG had the strongest LCD/Plasma TV sales during boxing day AND I bet I know which provinces had the strongest sales.

Or maybe it is all bullshit.

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