
The Beauty of Bulimia. Exposed.

'no anorexia' the new nolita campaign realised by oliviero toscani for the fashion brand of the flash&partners group, from italy leaves no room for doubt. The subject chosen to convey this message, in particular for young women who follow fashion, is that of a young girl who has fallen victim to the sickness which along with bulimia, affects as many as two million people in italy alone. Toscani has literally laid his subject bare, to show the reality of this sickness to all through this naked body, a sickness that in most cases is caused by the stereotypes imposed on women by the fashion world.

The Fashion world has reacted positively.

The rest has been hit and miss.

I think it is great.

Toscani of course brought us the great photos made famous in teh Benetton campaigns.


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anne simons said...

shocking---because it has to be to get through---and very effective. I am surprised that the fashion community is supporting it; good for them.

Nice blog; happened across it on AdAge 150.

Paul Crowe said...

Thank you for your comments Anne. I think the fashion community embracing it is more of a industry wide PR move then anything.

Hopefully you will find us in the top 150 soon. Drop back often.