
Tribes - my 65 second take

Alright. I just blew through Seth Godin's 218 slide presentation on Tribes in about 65 seconds. No audio, no speakers notes, just slides.

Here is what I got out of it....

  1. Marketers are leaders of tribes. Act accordingly.
    • It is your job to take your product or service benefits and connect them to the right market (your future tribe) through the right communication channel (based on your tribes behaviour).
  2. Make it emotional
    • Tribes are formed because they believe in something. Tribes are formed out of a common purpose. Purpose is connected to emotion. So make it emotional.
  3. Be a heretic
    • Do not conform to the established attitude. If your entire industry saying one-thing, behaving one-way, act another.
Do the above and people will feel like they apart of something when they buy your product, mention it to a friend, blog about it, or rally a tribe around it.

Ty just finished reading the book. So how did I do?

Heres the slideshow:

Seth Godin on Tribes
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: book tribes)

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