
Microsoft Video - The Ultimate Takedown

I was the 177th person to watch it. Lets sit back and see if this takes guess is no.

At the end of the video they promote a site where students can buy Microsoft Office for 91% off.

Ohh and to connect the site to the video they have a mugshot of the kid that gets taken down saying he has been spotted offering the Microsoft Office Ultimate package on campuses for 91% off.


Found on twitter via MorganCoudray.

Check out his blog. Only 15 days old but some good posts already.


Anonymous said...

There's a teaser poster in student neighbourhoods, as well. Looks like a wanted posted. Get it? Wanted becausesome kid is selling software for 91% off. Yeah - about as fresh as the video. But hey, I noticed it and I guess we're talking about it....

Zac Martin said...

Is Microsoft pretending to be "goodtyme07"?

Tsk tsk tsk.